Thursday, March 27, 2014

Nicolas Gomez: Acoustic Research

Sound is basically defined as a vibration. Depending on the elasticity of the medium it is traveling, sound vibrations are more conduct able. For instance, lead is very inelastic and a poor conductor, while a material like steel which is highly elastic can conduct sound more directly. In architecture, sound can play an important role when understanding how spaces and materials can affect sound. The primary means that architects use to control sound is the use of wall partitions and ceiling systems. Just like light waves, sound waves follow similar principles. For example, reflection affects how sound waves interact with obstacles. The main goals of architectural design in theaters is to provide the least sound distortion possible. Also, too much reverberation time, can lead to poor speech intelligibility.

Architects can use the appropriate materials to ensure that sound frequencies are absorbed differently. Echos can also be diminished. All in all, the acoustics of any hall, as perceived by a member of the audience, consist of three factors: volume, equalization, and reverberation. The Berlin Philarmonie by Hans Scharoun has been a model for other concert halls, as it has been acclaimed for having great acoustics.
 The stage is located in the center of the hall, and the seating is arranged around the stage through a series of offset terraces that were positioned for optimal acoustic performance. Photo courtesy of

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