Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Assignment 4: Furniture Joint Horace & Keith

For our furniture piece we created a shelving unit that could be replicated to create an expansive wall of these shelving units. We didn't want to just create a box and as a result we came up with a design that allows shelves to be created without maintaining just a box shape. This shape also allows us to have the shelf unit turn around corners as demonstrated in the photo below.

In order for the units to join together we came up with joint that requires metal splines. This joint allows the shelf to be assembled really easy and as the site of the bathhouse pose the challenge of transportation of the materials as the site is relatively remote. Our design allows our shelving unit to be prefabricated and brought to the site and assembled on site therefore allow ease of transportation as it takes up minimal space.

Although ideally we would like our shelf to be constructed out of 3/4" thick plywood however our model was constructed with 1/2" thick plywood as the thicker wood would provide more structural strength however we noticed that even at 1/2" our shelf has a high strength to weight ratio as it can support Keith lying down on our shelving unit (as seen below) as well as the combined weight of me and Keith both sitting on the shelf.

1 comment:

  1. Opportunity for some weight reduction in this piece. Otherwise interesting.
